How to prepare for the upcoming sales season

The ultimate sales season guide for e-commerce and retail

Instead of receiving a bad name for not being able to deliver during the sales season, make sure you are able to capitalize on the opportunities sales seasons bring with them by knowing how to properly prepare!

“This eBook gives you concrete tips on how you can prepare your Supply chain, Pricing, Marketing and Website to be in a top shape for a sales season”

Why should you download this book?

As we saw with the coronavirus, one of the biggest factors that made it so difficult to cope with was that it was unpredictable and no one was given the time to prepare for what was to come. With sales season however, we know it arrives every year and this year, though being exceptional in many ways, will be no exception.

You will learn: 

  • How to optimize your supply chain
    • How to plan for increased demand
    • How to handle increased deliveries
  • How to optimize your pricing
    • Use of a pricing tool.
      • An attractive price tag and value for money is what an offer is all about.
    • Use of price monitoring tool.
      • Automatically position your products and offers to be competitive. 
  • How to optimize your marketing
    • Use of right channels.
    • How to automate your campaigns.
    • How to utilize Google Shopping.

And more…

Get the free ebook below


Why should I use pricing tool when preparing for a sales season?

No matter what strategy you’re using for pricing your products, the right tools can make the process easier and faster. If you’re not using a pricing tool like Pricen, you’ll have to manually keep track of your competitors’ prices to keep yours relevant.

Since prices tend to change a lot in some markers, keeping track is a process that would waste lots of hours if done manually. And when you don’t do this price check frequently, you could be selling for prices that are much lower than your competitors and thus, leaving money on the table.

During the holiday shopping season or any of those 1-day shopping events, getting your pricing right makes a huge difference. And to make the pricing process even more efficient, you should automate as much of it as you can. 

Why should I use a price monitoring tool when preparing for a sales season?

By using a price monitoring tool is staying on top of what your competitors are doing. Most businesses start having sales before the actual season, as early as October.

Analyzing the discounts they’re offering and keeping track of their different offers will help you understand what they’re planning for the holiday season. By doing so, you’ll be able to prepare better offers, or at least make sure you’re offering something at the same level.

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