Pricen Pricing Academy
Pricen Pricing Academy
The one place to learn about E-commerce pricing.
Pricing Academy
Pricen Pricing Academy is an open and free pricing knowledge platform for Pricen customers and other pricing professionals to self-educate themselves to the world of E-commerce pricing.
Currently, you can complete three separate courses on our pricing acedemy, “Cost and Profitability” and “Compliance and Legal”, and “Master Data” courses.ย
The cost and profitability course as the name implies is all about costs and profitability. We go through different types of expenses and how they affect your pricing. In this course, you will learn all you need about costs, margins, sales volumes and discounts.
The Compliance and Legal course goes through how legal aspects affect your campaign pricing in EU area. This course will go into details about how to tackle the legal compliance issues in your pricing.
The master data course aims to show that having a clear and coherent data structure for your pricing in Ecommerce is essential. With this course and tools we provide you can easily create perfect setup for your pricing and marketing team