Pricing tool
Set prices easily and automatically
The Pricen Pricing Tool streamlines repricing by opening a separate column for adjustments. Simply click on a price cell in the matrix to trigger automatic comparison with competitors’ pricing. Pricen alerts you to deviations from your margin targets or pricing strategy. Effortlessly select multiple products for rule-based pricing actions, ensuring systematic control.
Tailored for eCommerce, Pricen’s Pricing Module enables precise repricing at individual, category-, brand-, or group-levels. Manage pricing strategies seamlessly with manual or rule-based actions, addressing market dynamics effectively.
Key Features:
1. Simultaneously adjust prices for individual products, product groups, or entire categories.
2. Real-time comparison with competitor prices during repricing.
3. Flexible pricing strategy management with manual or rule-based actions.

Benefits of Pricen’s Pricing Tool
Effortlessly change prices with precision. Designed specifically for professionals in market analytics and pricing, our tool offers a clear and effective view of market changes and dynamics. It supports accurate pricing decisions in real-time or in alignment with your pricing strategy.
1. Change prices easily.
2. Log all pricing actions for reference and analysis.
3. Automate optimal pricing strategies for enhanced efficiency.